Art or music:
When I was about ten my mother gave me the option of taking art or music lessons...
Enter Rothko:
I came from a family of mathematicians and scientists...
Isms and Ations:
I like most art movements, but especially Abstract Expressionism...
Feel the harmony:
I want viewers to feel the underlying harmonies intuitively...
Music for painting:
I’m very interested in the patternistic/systemic music...
Add nothing. Unless:
To me systemic pattern painting was a response to Minimalism...
Recognizing those patterns:
Pattern painting involves the experience of a complex body of information...
All colors being equal:
I take the “politically correct” position that all colors are equal...
In most of my work I try to work with a figure/ground relationship...
Keeping it open:
I do abstract work and representational...
Mind art:
Op Art, or optical art (a term having roots in the “Responsive Eye” exhibition of the 70’s)...
Non-essential info:
Hard-edge painting might be seen as having...
How you see what you see:
I feel that “non-objective painting” is an incorrect term...
The structure of space:
A typical painting is based upon a rectangular format...
Leaving a mark:
People often appreciate the labor-intensive aspect of my work...
I paint for all people, but perhaps especially for people who are...
As a member of the Criss-Cross group, I discuss pattern/structural issues...
What lies beneath:
I pretty much buy into the idea that art mirrors reality and...
I see myself as a feminist and feel patternistic...
The spectacle vs. the contemplative:
I am very appreciative of the wide range of art being produced today...