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Mario Yrisarry "Stenciled and Sprayed: Paintings from 1961 - 1967"

David Eichholtz

Mario Yrisarry, First Forty Niner, 1966, Acrylic on canvas, 82" x 68"


Stenciled and Sprayed: Paintings from 1961 - 1967

August 5 through September 2, 2017

Opening reception on Saturday, August 5 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM

David Richard Gallery, LLC

1570 Pacheco Street, Suite A1, Santa Fe, NM 87505

(505) 983-9555

David Richard Gallery is pleased to present Stenciled and Sprayed: Paintings from 1961 - 1967 by Mario Yrisarry, the artist’s first solo exhibition with the gallery. Yrisarry stenciled and sprayed his canvases with acrylic paint, exploring non-traditional, non-brush methods of applying pigment during the 1960s and 70s in New York. The artist’s reductive, non-representational work can be placed in several different art historical movements from that period, including Lyrical Abstraction and Color Field painting, Op Art, Systematic Painting, and the Pattern and Decoration movement. The gallery has presented Yrisarry’s paintings over the past few years in exhibitions that explored several such movements and periods. This current exhibition is focused on the artist’s process and maps the early experimental works using stencils and his migration to very organized grid compositions and highly skilled use of airbrush paint applications.

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