Cara Romero, Oil Boom, 2015, 1 of 5, 44" x 44"
This year we are making a studied conscious effort not to be studied or conscious. Santa Fe is now one of the most interesting art centers in the world and you, O Dude of the East, are privileged to behold the most sophisticated group in the country gamboling freely. ... And Santa Fe, making you welcome, will enjoy itself hugely watching the Dude as he gazes. Be sure as you stroll along looking for the quaint and picturesque that you are supplying your share of those very qualities to Santa Fe, the City Incongruous. ... Be yourself, even if it includes synthetic cowboy clothes, motor goggles and a camera. — 1928 Santa Fe Fiesta Program THE SANTA FE ART PROJECT 2016 DAVID RICHARD GALLERY SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO The inaugural edition of The Santa Fe Art Project showcases the most cutting-edge artwork of the Southwest's cultural capitol. Eight curators from Santa Fe will feature over 50 established and emerging artists representing the best of the city's contemporary art scene. The Santa Fe Art Project is a multi-faceted presentation of visual arts creativity in "The City Different." Over an eight-week period, a series of rotating exhibitions of painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, video and digital media will be accompanied by a series of gallery talks, panel discussions and other public events. Artists: Scott Anderson Susan Begy Derek Chan Andrew Cimelli Chris Collins Sydney Cooper Caley Dennis Craig Duncan Marina Eskeets Anne Farrell Christian Michael Filardo Amelia Fugee Erik H. Gellert Jamie Hamilton Angelo Harmsworth Cheri Ibes Parker Jennings Jennifer Joseph Caity Kennedy Lindsey Kennedy Matt King Garrett Koch Phat Le Katherine Lee Drew Lenihan Jessamyn Lovell Ric Lum Thais Mather Daniel McCoy, Jr. Heather McGill Lara Nickel Dylan Pommer Daisy Quezada Martin Rixe Kristen Roles Terri Rolland Cara Romero Nico Salazar SCUBA Jack R. Slentz Chase Stafford Lucrecia Troncoso Kade Twist