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Art + World | Dallas Art Fair


Friday I'm In Love, 2015, Alkyd on aluminum, custom software, computer, digital projection, 44" x 96" x .5"

I LOVE the Dallas Art Fair. I first attended with a fellow Dallas mom who is an art consultant and was familiar with many of the galleries at the fair {she worked for one of them in New York}. The first time you go to this event it’s a little intimidating {in my opinion}. If you aren’t familiar with the galleries or the artists it’s hard to know what questions to ask so following her through really helped me understand the “culture” of an art fair. The past few years I’ve just gone on my own – I like being able to spend time where I want to and blow through galleries I’m not as interested in. What I’ve really learned, though, is that it really doesn’t matter – you don’t have to talk to anyone, you can just enjoy the works. I’ve highlighted below some of my favorite works and artists from this year’s Dallas Art Fair.

I wish i had taken a video of this piece as it’s not a static artwork – this is a digital artwork that’s projected onto an aluminum screen – the artist personally codes the work onto a computer which is installed and linked to the projector. It’s really amazing {and hypnotizing}.

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