Translumina Blue Tinted Red, 1991, Acrylic On Wood Construction, 24" x 24"
RICHARD ANUSZKIEWICZ Variations: Evolution of The Artist's Media 1986 - 2012 May 10 - June 15, 2013 Opening Reception: Friday, May 17, 5:00—7:00 PM David Richard Gallery, LLC Railyard Arts District 544 South Guadalupe Street, Santa Fe, NM 87501 p 505-983-9555 | f 505-983-1284 www.DavidRichardGallery.com
Richard Anuszkiewicz: Three Dimensional Wall Reliefs and Sculptures from 1986-2012 Presented at David Richard Gallery In Santa Fe, New Mexico David Richard Gallery will present Richard Anuszkiewicz, Variations: Evolution of the Artist’s Media 1986-2012, the gallery’s first solo exhibition for the artist that will feature three-dimensional artwork, including wall reliefs and pedestal sculptures. The exhibition will be presented from May 10-June 15, 2013 at the gallery located on 544 South Guadalupe Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501, phone 505-983-9555 in the Santa Fe Railyard Arts District.