Grids and Geometric Paintings by Oli Sihvonen
Attached please find a selection of geometric abstract paintings by Oli Sihvonen and a brief bio for the artist. In the late 1960s,...
Grids and Geometric Paintings by Oli Sihvonen
Recently Discovered Series of 1980s Paintings By Dean Fleming of Park Place Gallery
Introducing Paintings by Mark Dagley, New York Artist Who Emerged in the 1980s
Julian Stanczak: Dynamic Fields at David Richard Gallery
Optic Response - Flashbacks: Summer of Love 50 Years On
Julian Stanczak (1928–2017)
Julian Stanczak’s Contribution to Cincinnati Art
Sizzle and Chill
Visual Perception and Op Art
EVERYTHING OP IS NEW AGAIN: The Persistence and Recrudescence of Optical
Op Infinitum: 'The Responsive Eye' Fifty Years After (Part II)
Cleveland Museum of Art Optical Art Exhibit a Test for the Eyes
Julian Stanczak - "Elusive Transparencies"
Julian Stanczak "Elusive Transparencies"