Psychedelic Art
Psychedelic Art By David Eichholtz Psychedelia and Psychedelic Art was influenced by surrealism, Dada, visual perception and Op Art along...
Psychedelic Art
Optic Response - Flashbacks: Summer of Love 50 Years On
Altered States: A Psychedelic Legacy
Visual Perception and Op Art
Color: Stained, Brushed and Poured
Color: Stained, Brushed and Poured
Re-Op: ‘The Responsive Eye’ Fifty Years After
Op Infinitum: ‘The Responsive Eye’ Fifty Years After
Op Infinitum: 'The Responsive Eye' Fifty Years After (Part II)
Art Miami New York
Post-Op: 'The Responsive Eye' Fifty Years After
Post-Op: 'The Responsive Eye' Fifty Years After